RPG With Great Writing

One more prompt that will bring regret as soon as I hit publish. There are so many well written games it is impossible to do them justice. Not only games, but authors whose work is always on point and it is hard to single out a book from their opus.

Wraith: the Oblivion

A local, I think at the time the only, comic book store carried some Warhammer 40K miniatures, and a few White Wolf books. I remember looking at the Wraith sitting on that bottom shelf for months. When I managed to save up the money I ran after school to get it. Once home I started reading it and it gripped me like no other game I read up to that point. I remember just flipping the pages until I was done.

Years later I was in a personal and gaming funk and sold a bunch of my books. Wraith was one of them, and I regret it to this day.

Apocalypse World book cover.

Apocalypse World

As mentioned yesterday, Apocalypse World is a work of art. The whole text work so well on multiple levels. It is punchy, direct, evocative, and yet carries the information it needs effortlessly.

Ironforged and Starforged

Ironforged was the first RPG book I read in one sitting, cover to cover, in a long time. Starforged has the same easy, light, caring about the reader style of writing that I had to include it as well.