An Accessory You Appreciate

There is no second choice – my top pick for a gaming accessory is my All Rolled Up – a game roll that can truly pack an impressive amount of stuff inside. More dice than you would think, a bunch of pencils, and a bigger pocket for some (index) cards. It was essentially my go bag for gaming.

My first one was a beautiful Reynolds Adventurer made from oilskin. I had it for seven years before I lost a backpack filled with more nostalgia items than I care to admit. It didn’t have any damage, not a strand went out of place, and I never paid any special attention or care to it. It is a good solid product I’d recommend to anyone.

Getting a new one was the second thing after my accident. This time around I went with a Van Helsing Adventurer oilskin. I barely replaced any dice, but I have my ARU to fill once I manage to find some dice deserving to replace my lost ones.