• Which RPG cover best captures the spirit of the game?

    Htio sam napisati Werewolf the Apocalypse, ali sama igra mi se sve manje sviđa kako godine prolaze. OTOH, pogledao sam malo bolje za naslovnicu The One Ring i to je sjajno pogođen duh igre i izvornog materijala.

  • Which RPG have you played the most since August 2016?

    Play by post Delta Green na RPG.netu. Najbolji Delta Green, Cthulhu, horor koji sam u životu igrao. Sjajna ekipa, vanserijski GM.

  • How do you find out about new RPGs?

    Forum RPG.net-a u 99% slučajeva, a na nešto sam naletio i na G+.

  • What is an RPG you would like to see published?

    Htio bih vidjeti više igara sa dobrom slavenskom tematikom i motivima, a da nisu Rusi. Tipa flintlock fantasy na granici Bosne, Dubrovnika i Carstva. Ili fantasy po Spirinovom Blagu bogova.

  • What published RPG do you wish you were playing right now?

    Nisam bio na igračkoj strani stola … ne pamtim. Ali ne mogu se odlučiti da li bih više igrao Blades in the Dark ili The One Ring.

  • Croatia By Night

    Introduction Zagreb the Capitol of a country positioned on the border of the East and the West. Torn between two different mindsets, cultures, and Kindred sects. To say that Zagreb is a battleground for Camarilla and Sabbat would be wrong, the whole country is. Not to mention the proximity to Vienna, Venice, Constantinople and Assamite…

  • V:tM Review of Sects and Clans

    Camarilla Brujah During the war they unquestionably held the most influence over Croat paramilitary forces. As the paramilitary slowly dissolved and were absorbed by the newly formed army, Brujah influence dwindled. Today they are fighting for control over the police and the army with clan Ventrue. Their main strength in this conflict lies in their…