Amazing Adventure

Day twenty of RPG a Day 2024 asks us about an amazing adventure. An amazing adventure is the one that sets itself up honestly, but still manages to surprise you.

Delta Green: Last Things Last

Last Things Last by Bret Kramer was a shotgun scenario submission, that latter on got included as the introductory adventure in the new Delta Green quick start. The premise is simple, clean and to the point. The twist good and classical. And it can easily be tweaked for any group.

Some years ago I played it in a play-by-post game on forums. And the GM, the brilliant GM, twisted it into something unmistakably Last Thing Last, yet so much more. He added a grander conspiracy behind the target. A slew of items the late Baughman kept around. Oh, and his old teammates were also at the scene, doing their own clean-up. We played a sanctioned Delta Green team, and they were the cowboys of a bygone era.

White Noise & Portrait of a Dead Love

These two are self contained crime mystery adventures by a local GM, up to having bespoke characters for both.

White Noise is a ’80s mystery inspired by Stranger Things, Dark, X-Files, and haunted by A-ha’s Take On Me. It is a type of adventure that is never my first pick, very procedural, turn by turn investigation, almost pixel hunting in a RPG format. But it is also deep, thoughtful, messed up enough, filled with events and characters you want in a sandbox like this. And the protagonists are an ensemble you usually dream of, playing and conflicting against each other.

Haven’t pestered the author to publish it in a while. I guess I have something to do today.

Portrait is the same, except to make it challenging the author decided to set a murder mystery in magically rich city of Abydos. The ensemble this time is expanded to six characters; two of which are sisters in service to Raven Guard and must be chosen. The cast includes a mage of considerable skill, just to show how you can have high magic, and still get away with murder!

My play through saw me spiting the words Petrine Christian like an insult it deserves to be; grew unreasonable hate towards a poor maid (extremely well played, hitting all my annoyance nerves) that I hoped would be our Keyser Söze so I could arrest her. But most of all it had drama, twists, turns, chases .. it was glorious.

Another amazing adventure that needs to be published to the world.