RPG That Is Easy To Use

I thought today’s easy to use RPG prompt would be a breeze to type up. I had a draft in the bag, and then I started thinking about it and went completely sideways. In stead of focusing on the rules, rule book organisation, or how a game behaves in actual play; I’d like to look at this from a different perspective.

After reading Band of Blades I was blown away. The fact that the core rules for the game not only came with a ready to play campaign, but it also had a very fixed endgame – endgame in an RPG. That game changed my perspective on RPGs in a way I never thought possible. The never-ending D&D campaign that lasts for decades was ingrained into my gaming DNA since day one.

Which leads me to the the game of the day, and I’m repeating myself now, but it is Ironsworn. it is an easy read, well designed book, with clear and concise rules. Bu more important – it takes your hand and guides you into the world you will create. It shows you how it wants to be played. And at every step of the game it gives you control to say enough. From conflicts to literally ending the game for you character – there is a game move.

This was a very roundabout way to say, I think the game is very easy to understand. From day one, session zero you have a pretty clear idea of what you are getting into, and how and when it is likely to end.