Tag: Atomic Robo

  • Quick to Learn

    A deceptively simple question for day sixteen of RPG a Day 2024. My first response would be to list a few games with rules that are easy to pickup. But I don’t think that is the best approach for the heart of the matter. What interests me with this prompt is which games teach you…

  • RPG With Well Supported One-Shots

    This is an interesting one that potentially opens the question what is a one-shot? Grim Tokens already posted the daily article and looks into the definition of a one-shot. My reply is going to consider the games that fit within a few criteria. First, I’m considering only those games that are explicitly not about a…

  • 19. Which RPG features the best writing?

    Ne znam odgovoriti na ovo pitanje jer nikada nisam tako čitao RPGove. Mogu samo prokomentirati par stvari. Wraith the Oblivion je RPG za koji se sjećam da sam kupio, došao doma i čitao ga cijelu noć. Prvi frend kojem sam ga posudio je napravio istu stvar. The One Ring mi je overall sjajan. Na stranu…