Tag: Ironsworn

  • Što se igralo u 2024.

    Što se igralo u 2024.

    Malo retrospektive igračke 2024. Ne znam zašto, ali uhvatila me potreba ove godine da se malo osvrnem unazad. Iznenadilo me što sam skupio impresivne četrdeset i četiri partije ovog ili onog RPGa. Elegija sutonu Godinu smo počeli krajem četvrtkovne ekipe – igrali smo zadnje četiri partije Elegije sutonu. Primjena pravila utemeljenim na Bladesima je bila…

  • RPG With Well Supported Campaigns

    RPG With Well Supported Campaigns

    Today’s prompt about RPG’s with well supported campaigns can be read in two different ways. Either we are talking about games that support campaign play really well, or we are talking about games with well made published campaigns. So let’s tackle both! RPGs With Campaign Support It is a little ironic that my answer here…

  • RPG With Well Supported One-Shots

    This is an interesting one that potentially opens the question what is a one-shot? Grim Tokens already posted the daily article and looks into the definition of a one-shot. My reply is going to consider the games that fit within a few criteria. First, I’m considering only those games that are explicitly not about a…

  • RPG That Is Easy To Use

    RPG That Is Easy To Use

    I thought today’s easy to use RPG prompt would be a breeze to type up. I had a draft in the bag, and then I started thinking about it and went completely sideways. In stead of focusing on the rules, rule book organisation, or how a game behaves in actual play; I’d like to look…

  • RPG With Great Writing

    One more prompt that will bring regret as soon as I hit publish. There are so many well written games it is impossible to do them justice. Not only games, but authors whose work is always on point and it is hard to single out a book from their opus. Wraith: the Oblivion A local,…

  • Most Often Played RPG

    Recent is theme of the first couple of posts, so I’ll take a look at the games I played in 2024. Fortunately for me I put everything into my calendar so this one was easy to check. I was a bit surprised by the results, my memory was playing temporal tricks on me. There was…

  • Osvrt na Vrata vilinska

    Nisam siguran koliko često voditelji bace osvrt i retrospektivu na svoje ODG partije. Možda bi trebali češće … u svakom slučaju evo mojeg osvrta na sinoć odvođena Vrata vilinska. Proći ću kroz cijeli proces od prve ideje, razrade, pa do igranja. Od Arthura do bijele vile Prva inspiracija za temu mitova i legendi mi je…