Tag: Vampire: The Masquerade
Što se igralo u 2024.
Malo retrospektive igračke 2024. Ne znam zašto, ali uhvatila me potreba ove godine da se malo osvrnem unazad. Iznenadilo me što sam skupio impresivne četrdeset i četiri partije ovog ili onog RPGa. Elegija sutonu Godinu smo počeli krajem četvrtkovne ekipe – igrali smo zadnje četiri partije Elegije sutonu. Primjena pravila utemeljenim na Bladesima je bila…
Evocative Environments
Once again we get a prompt opened to many interesting interpretations. What is an evocative environment? A place where we choose to game? Is it a location within a game itself? Or maybe the totality of the world our character inhabit? I decided to focus on the settings that shaped my gaming life. Epitome Settings…
Most Often Played RPG
Recent is theme of the first couple of posts, so I’ll take a look at the games I played in 2024. Fortunately for me I put everything into my calendar so this one was easy to check. I was a bit surprised by the results, my memory was playing temporal tricks on me. There was…
Noctem Republica de Ragusa
The real cause of the fire that started during the night of August 16, 1296 is unknown. Most of the city of Ragusa was burned down and later rebuilt from the ground up. The fire also took out all of the resident Kindred and most of their ghouls. Of the survivors from that period we…
Elegija sutonu
Godina je 1647. Današnji dan, 27. listopada, obilježava pedesetu obljetnicu smrti posljednjeg, priznatog, vojvode – Alfonsa II d’Este. Alfonso II je preminuo bez nasljedinak, Papa Clemens VIII je učinio jedino što je mogao – zaštitio je Ferraru uzevši ju pod svoju zaštitu. Pod papinskom rukom grad, vaš grad, nastavlja živjeti i cvijeta kao jedan od…
Which RPG have you played the most in your life?
Ne mogu biti siguran, ali sjećanje i osjećaj tvrde da bi to bio Vampire: the Masquerade.
Croatia By Night
Introduction Zagreb the Capitol of a country positioned on the border of the East and the West. Torn between two different mindsets, cultures, and Kindred sects. To say that Zagreb is a battleground for Camarilla and Sabbat would be wrong, the whole country is. Not to mention the proximity to Vienna, Venice, Constantinople and Assamite…
V:tM Review of Sects and Clans
Camarilla Brujah During the war they unquestionably held the most influence over Croat paramilitary forces. As the paramilitary slowly dissolved and were absorbed by the newly formed army, Brujah influence dwindled. Today they are fighting for control over the police and the army with clan Ventrue. Their main strength in this conflict lies in their…
Nightling’s Vampire The Masquerade
As the perceptive reader might notice, I found my back-up files, and in an attack of productiveness designed the pages. As if that was not enough I went and registered this part of the site with White Wolf. Next thing you know and I’ll be running for president of a foreign hostile country (sorry, watching…